Möstl helps Austria open EHF EURO account with a win

ER 2842 (1)
EHF / Danijela Vekić

Austria won the third match in as many meetings with Romania to start off their sixth Men’s EHF EURO in style.

EURO24M Austria Vs Romania C5 7167 JC Quote
I still can't imagine how good I played today, but I don't want to sound arrogant. It went very well for me. But in the end only thing that matters are our two points.
Constantin Möstl
Goalkeeper, Austria
EURO24M Austria Vs Romania C4 8779 JC Quote
We started good in the first half, we anticipated all of Austria's moves. In the second half, we made too many mistakes that allowed them to score easy goals from fast breaks. For us was difficult to make a comeback and we were losing one-on-one.
Demis Cosmin Grigoras
Right back, Romania

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