201126 Szeged Elverum Summary
EHF Champions League

Summary: home wins for Szeged, Barça and PSG wrap up round 8

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European Handball Federation
I look forward to a different match. When two teams of this level play anything can happen and there can be any score. Kiel are an extraordinary team and require us to be 100% if we want to win.

We have to be ourselves, continue to mark our model of play. There must be rhythm, we must be good in defence and be able to run... this must be the line. If we are not on the attack, we will suffer a lot in their counter attacks.
Xavi Pacual
Barça coach
ABM 9205 X4
20201125 Veszprem Aalborg 1 22 X4
ABM 8481 X4

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